Sunday, October 13, 2013


[N. B. Ironically, President Obama's website says that, because of the shutdown, his office may not see this letter I sent today until it is over. Thanks to the invaluable Nancy for her editing help.]
Dear President Obama:
I’m 74 years old, a Democrat since college when I campaigned for Adlai Stevenson; I’ve been a loyal supporter of President Obama, Senators Levin and Stabenow, and Representative Dingell. Although I depend on social security and Medicare I’m also a patriot, as my immigrant father taught me. As much as the government shutdown may hurt me, the imminent danger to the nation that I hope my grandchildren will inherit with pride, will hurt me more.

The passive aggression of the smug, do-nothing anarchists of the far right must be resisted at all costs. To me, this means that you must not give them anything in return for modifying or even dropping their extortionate demands. To do otherwise, would be to invite an ongoing crisis by rewarding behavior that partakes of disloyalty and borders on treason.

Airplane, the 1980 film comedy, has a satire on Point Counterpoint in which the conservative says of the trapped plane passengers, “They bought their tickets, they knew what they were getting into, let ‘em die!” Thus, yesterday’s satire is today’s doctrine. Food inspection, medical research, aid to the hungry, Medicare, Medicaid, and many other services that have an impact on health either have been or will be interrupted or just lost if the “Let ‘em die!” faction isn’t stopped now.

Please, I beg you, no matter the short-term cost, stand your ground to save our democracy.

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